Después de leerme la novela de la escritora Virginia Woolf “la Señora
Dalloway”, he cerrado mis ojos y me he sentido a solas con Clarissa Dalloway y
he tenido la necesidad de absorber su sabiduría, su poder del ver el mundo a través
de sus ojos y su alma. Nuestras vidas son como maravillosos collages hechos de momentos
hermosos y de reflejos nostálgicos que nos viene del pasado. Un compendio de momentos que realmente forman nuestra historia en forma individual. Hace dos años tuve el privilegio de hacer el paseo que la señora Dalloway hizo en la novela por Londres. Mientras caminaba puede observar todos los acontecimientos que tuvo lugar en la novela en un solo día en Londres.
El Paseo empieza cuando Clarissa Dalloway sale de su casa para conseguir flores que ella dijo que compraria ella misma para la fiesta que daría esa noche. Ella vive en el barrio de Westmister, una zona muy emblemática de Londres .Ha sido desde siempre un centro político, de la monarquía y de la autoridad religiosa, desde el siglo catorce es el lugar del Parlamento que comparte las callejuelas empedradas a la sombra del Big Ben. Clarissa Dalloway esta rodeada de un vecindario con una alta clase social y con privilegios otorgados. Richard Dalloway (el marido de Clarissa) es un importante político conservador . En esta zona esta la Abadía de Westminster que fue construido en el siglo once por Eduardo el Confesor que decidió fijar su residencia allí edificando también un palacio que despues fue la sede de parlament Houses y junto a la Abadía hay un monasterio. El arco inmediatamente al sur de la
Columna Westminster
conduce a Dean's Yard, que esta en una parte de los
jardines de la abadía y ahora rodeado de casas. En el lado este se encuentra la
entrada a la Westminster School, o el Saint Peter College, que fue la antigua
escuela monástica, construido en 1339, restituida por la reina
Isabel en 1560, y ahora es una de las grandes escuelas públicas. se puede visitar en la tarde del sábado (todos los días en vacaciones).El Big Ben daba las diez y Clarissa Dalloway cruzaba Victoria Street. Victoria Street es un pequeño distrito en el
centro de Londres en su totalidad dentro de la Ciudad de Westminster, y lleva el
nombre de la reina Victoria. Está compuesta principalmente de locales comercial y de viviendas privadas y sociales. Rápidamente seguimos a Clarissa Dalloway desde Dean Farrar Street hasta Queen Mary's Gate y pasando por las casas de dos politicos muy importantes en la primera Guerra Mundial Sir Edward Grey y Lord Maldane Cerca de Dean Farrar esta Saint James Park es el más antiguo de los Parques Reales de la ciudad.
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St James's Park está rodeado por el Palacio de Buckingham al
oeste, The Mall y el Palacio de Saint James al
norte, Horse Guards al este, y Bridcage Walk al sur. El parque tiene un lago
pequeño, el St. James-Park's Lake, con dos islas, Duck Island (llamado así
debido a la colección de patos del lago), y West Island. Un puente que cruza el
lago ofrece una magnífica vista al oeste del Palacio de Buckingham enmarcado
por árboles y fuentes, y una estupenda vista del edifico principal de la Foreing y a la Commonwealth Office al este. En la novela lucia una hermosa mañana de verano, el sol brillaba y el cielo un azul intenso. Clarissa llega al parque y observa el verde de los arboles y la hierba tenían un color más bonito que nunca.
Siguiendo hacia al sur Clarisse Dalloway llega a Picadilly donde estuvo un rato de pie mirando los omnibuses. Picadilly es una calle importante de Londres, donde se encuentran todos los teatros donde se exhiben los mejores re presentaciones y espectaculos. Hay una gran variedad para elegir. Esta calle se llamó hasta el siglo diecisiete Portugual Street. Se cambió a Picadilly porque un sastre amasó una gran fortuna haciendo trajes de Picadilly que entonces era la moda y compró una gran extensión de tierras en Londres y en esa calle se hizo una mansión a la que llamó Picadilly Hall.
Siguiendo hacia al sur Clarisse Dalloway llega a Picadilly donde estuvo un rato de pie mirando los omnibuses. Picadilly es una calle importante de Londres, donde se encuentran todos los teatros donde se exhiben los mejores re presentaciones y espectaculos. Hay una gran variedad para elegir. Esta calle se llamó hasta el siglo diecisiete Portugual Street. Se cambió a Picadilly porque un sastre amasó una gran fortuna haciendo trajes de Picadilly que entonces era la moda y compró una gran extensión de tierras en Londres y en esa calle se hizo una mansión a la que llamó Picadilly Hall.
Después del desvio a Hatchard's, Clarissa Dalloway se dirigió a la calle Bond Street, esta calle le fascinaba, ella se quedaba mirando los escaparates de las tiendas más exclusivas. Ella se enamoró de el escaparate Butler &Wilson. Tengo que decir que cuando la visité esta calle a mí me fascinó también. Bond Street es una de las calles más elegantes por ser una zona de compras exclusivas de Londres y del mundo. Se divide en Old Bond Street y New Bond Street. Desde el siglo diecinueve fue cuando esta calle empezó a tener importancia por sus exclusivas boutiques y galerías de arte que despertaba el interés de la alta burguesía así que se convirtió en una de las calles más de moda y más visitada. Es un paseo obligatorio para los personas Vip y famosas por tener tiendas de ropa de alta costura y por tener marcas exclusivas. Siguiendo mi paseo por la New Bond están los esplendidos escaparates de Mallet, una tienda de arte y antigüedades fundada en 1865, es una de las tiendas de antigüedades más exclusiva del mundo.
La floristería donde Clarissa Dalloway compró las flores enfrente ella se asomó a ver el ecaparate de Mulberry's que todavía sigue allí tiene un maravilloso escaparate con toda clase de complementos. Después de comprar sus flores Clarissa Dalloway se dirige de nuevo a casa pero quiere pasar por Regent Park, este es otro de los parque reales en el centro de la ciudad en el que puede disfrutar de un paseo agradable y relajante. En el centro tiene un estanque de piedra y hay un jardín lleno rosas que esta dedicado a The Queen Mary. Con este paseo por Regent park la Señora Dalloway llegó a casa y se dispuso a organizar su fiesta, ella como buena anfitriona ella se esmera para que todo salga perfecto.
After readVirginia Woolf's novel, "Mrs. Dalloway", I closed my eyes and I felt alone with Clarissa Dalloway and have had the need to absorb her wisdom, his power of watching the world through her eyes and soul. Our lives are as wonderful collages made of beautiful moments and nostalgic reflections that comes from the past. A compendium of moments that really form our history individually. Two years ago I was privileged to make Mrs. Dalloway walk. I follow the path that Virginia Woolf described in her novel. While I was walking, I can see all the events that it took place in the novel a summer day in London. The Walk starts when Clarissa Dalloway leaves her house to get flowers she said she would buy them to celebrate a party that night .
She lives in Westmister area which is a very iconic part of London. It has always been a political, the monarchy and the religious authority center, from the fourteenth century Parliament is located which shares the cobblestone streets in the Big Ben shadows.Clarissa Dalloway is surrounded by a high social class and granted privileges neighbourhood. Richard Dalloway (Clarissa's husband) is an important conservative politician.
In this area is Westminster Abbey which was built in the eleventh century by Edward the Confessor who decided to take up residence there also he built a palace which was then the seat of parlament Houses nowadays and next to the Abbey it is a monastery.The arch just south of Westminster Column leading to Dean's Yard, which was part of Abbey gardens and nowadayst it is surrounded by houses. On the east side is the entrance to Westminster School or Saint Peter College, which was the old monastic school, it was built in 1339, it is restored by Queen Elizabeth in 1560, and now it is one of the great public schools. you can visit on Saturday afternoon. The Big Ben struck ten and Clarissa Dalloway crossing Victoria Street. Victoria Street is a small district in central London in whole it is within the Westminster area, and it is named for Queen Victoria. It consists primarily of commercial premises and private and social housing. Quickly we follow Clarissa Dalloway from Dean Farrar Street to Queen Mary's Gate, and passing by the houses of two important politicians in the First World War Sir Edward Grey and Lord Maldane Near Dean Farrar Street it is Saint James Park which is the oldest of the Royal Parks
.St James's Park is surrounded by Buckingham Palace to the west, The Mall and St James's Palace to the North, Horse Guards to the east and south Bridcage Walk. The park has a small lake, St. James's Park Lake, there are with two islands, Duck Island ( it was named so because of the collection of ducks from the lake), and West Island. A bridge across the lake offers a magnificent view west of Buckingham Palace framed by trees and fountains, and a great view of the main building of the foreing and Commonwealth Office at east. In the novel it was a beautiful summer morning, the sun was shining and the sky had a bright blue. Clarissa arrived at the park and saw the green of the trees and the grass which had a more beautiful color than ever.
After readVirginia Woolf's novel, "Mrs. Dalloway", I closed my eyes and I felt alone with Clarissa Dalloway and have had the need to absorb her wisdom, his power of watching the world through her eyes and soul. Our lives are as wonderful collages made of beautiful moments and nostalgic reflections that comes from the past. A compendium of moments that really form our history individually. Two years ago I was privileged to make Mrs. Dalloway walk. I follow the path that Virginia Woolf described in her novel. While I was walking, I can see all the events that it took place in the novel a summer day in London. The Walk starts when Clarissa Dalloway leaves her house to get flowers she said she would buy them to celebrate a party that night .
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In this area is Westminster Abbey which was built in the eleventh century by Edward the Confessor who decided to take up residence there also he built a palace which was then the seat of parlament Houses nowadays and next to the Abbey it is a monastery.The arch just south of Westminster Column leading to Dean's Yard, which was part of Abbey gardens and nowadayst it is surrounded by houses. On the east side is the entrance to Westminster School or Saint Peter College, which was the old monastic school, it was built in 1339, it is restored by Queen Elizabeth in 1560, and now it is one of the great public schools. you can visit on Saturday afternoon. The Big Ben struck ten and Clarissa Dalloway crossing Victoria Street. Victoria Street is a small district in central London in whole it is within the Westminster area, and it is named for Queen Victoria. It consists primarily of commercial premises and private and social housing. Quickly we follow Clarissa Dalloway from Dean Farrar Street to Queen Mary's Gate, and passing by the houses of two important politicians in the First World War Sir Edward Grey and Lord Maldane Near Dean Farrar Street it is Saint James Park which is the oldest of the Royal Parks
.St James's Park is surrounded by Buckingham Palace to the west, The Mall and St James's Palace to the North, Horse Guards to the east and south Bridcage Walk. The park has a small lake, St. James's Park Lake, there are with two islands, Duck Island ( it was named so because of the collection of ducks from the lake), and West Island. A bridge across the lake offers a magnificent view west of Buckingham Palace framed by trees and fountains, and a great view of the main building of the foreing and Commonwealth Office at east. In the novel it was a beautiful summer morning, the sun was shining and the sky had a bright blue. Clarissa arrived at the park and saw the green of the trees and the grass which had a more beautiful color than ever.
Following towards south, Clarisse Dalloway reaches Picadilly where she stood awhile looking omnibuses. Piccadilly is a major London street, here it is located the theaters where the best re presentations and entertainment are shown. There are a variety to choose from. This street was called until the seventeenth century Portugual Street, but it was changed to Picadilly because a tailor amassed a fortune doing costumes called Picadilly then they were trendy and he bought a large land in London and he built a mansion in that street which was called Piccadilly Hall.
After the detour to Hatchard's, Clarissa Dalloway turned to Bond Street, this street fascinated her. she liked looking at the windows of the most exclusive shops. She loved Butler & Wilson window shop. I have to say that when I visited this street, it fascinated me too. Bond Street is one of the most elegant streets for being an exclusive shopping area of London and the world. It is divided into Old Bond Street and New Bond Street. Since the nineteenth century it was when the street began to be important for its exclusive boutiques and art galleries that aroused the interest of the gentry and it became one of the most fashionable streets and visited.It is a compulsory walk for Vip and famous people to have clothing stores and couture and exclusive brands. Continuing my walk along the New Bond you there is the splendid windows in Mallet which is an art shop and antiques founded in 1865, it is one of the most exclusive antique shops in the world.
The florist where Clarissa Dalloway bought flowers, in front she looked out Mulberry's window shop, this shop is still there, it is a wonderful shop with all kinds of accessories.
After buying her flowers Clarissa Dalloway headed back home but she wanted to go through Regent Park, this is one of the real park in the city center where you can enjoy a nice relaxing walk. In the center of the park there is a source of stone and there is a rose garden which is dedicated to The Queen Mary. With this walk in the park Regent Mrs. Dalloway came home and she started to organize her party, as good hostess, she strives to make everything is perfect.