Me resulta difícil creer que en la universidad de Wellesley fuese tan reaccionaria en el otoño de 1953 como en la película "La Sonrisa de Mona Lisa". La película nos muestra esta prestigiosa universidad femenina donde se enseñaba entre otros como ser una buena esposa, saber comportarse, como poner la mesa, como estar bellas para la ocasión, no le daban importancia las asignaturas para tener futuro profesional, porque la única aspiración de una mujer entonces es ser una buena madre y esposa. La llegada de la profesora Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts) lo cambia todo inspirando a sus alumnas a conocer otros valores entre ellos a tener libertad a través de su asignatura historia del arte. Observar a través de las diapositivas e identificar las obras maestras de la pintura de arte moderno era como despertarlas, el ejemplo está cuando K. Watson las lleva a observar una pintura de Jackson Pollock que se encontraba metido en un embalaje, ahí se demuestra la manera en que la profesora quiere abrir los ojos a sus alumnas hacia la modernidad dejando atrás lo vetusto y conservador . Desde luego el consejo de administración universitario están siempre a el acecho de Katherine Watson desde sus pensamientos mas conservadores tienen miedo a que esta ponga en peligro la institución tildándola de subversiva. Existe entre las universitarias las que se resiste a los cambios y esta liderada por Betty (Kristen Dunst), cuya madre esta en el consejo de administración cuyos planes son que su hija se case con un buen marido que haya estudiado en Harvard y que tengan muchos hijos. Betty es una persona que a través del periódico de la universidad intenta hacer daño a las profesoras no siguen la linea conservadora del centro, por ejemplo a Katherine Watson la pone de persona de ideales comunista y promiscuidad, fíjate donde llega la maldad de esta alumna aprovechándose del poder que tenia su familia dentro de la universidad que publicó en el periódico una critica a la enfermera de la universidad daba consejos de contra-concepción y después inmediatamente fue despedida.
Esta película no es la historia de la típica profesora que ilumina y guía a sus alumnas con el fin de vencer todas adversidades de la trama, sino que es una película que te incita a la reflexión y a la atención más de lo que nosotros nos esperamos. A veces me imagino sintiéndome como un espíritu libre en un sistema cerrado haciéndome la pregunta con quien me identifico más si con las profesora treintañera o con sus alumnas veinteañeras. Katherine Watson es valiente, inteligente, fiel a sus ideales e incluso ella me recuerda a mi misma cuando la presidenta de la institución le comenta a Katherine Watson cual era la prioridad de las alumnas y Watson le contesta diciéndole que ella pensaba que iba a un lugar donde instruiría a lideres del mañana no a sus esposas . Julia Roberts es sobre todo una actriz con la que siento mucha empatia y tengo ganas de protegerla. En de la sonrisa de Mona Lisa, ella es el conducto hacia el argumento , que fluye a través de su personaje. Los mejores papeles secundarios son interpretados por actrices de nueva generación posterior a Julia, entre ellas Kristen Dunst, Maggie Gyllenhaal donde también la interpretación es magistral. En las típicas películas donde los héroes son profesores. El protagonista piensa que la respuesta está en la exuberancia, la libertad y deja el tiempo pasar, mientras que en esta película Katherine se desespera cuando ve que sus alumnas pierden su talento y sin fijar su mirada en un futuro mejor.
La película dirigida por Mike Newel, puede que sea bastante consciente de sus políticas sexuales y podría incluso haber sido más absorbente si Katherine y sus alumnas hubieran luchado juntas para escapar de esa esclavitud de genero, pero los personajes no se involucran, ni se solidariza con sus sueños y la desesperada visión hacia el camino del matrimonio y al final nos sentimos aliviados al escuchar a la señorita Watson y eso hace que nos convirtamos en las personas maravillosas que somos hoy.
fuentes: imagen de google chrome
I find it difficult to believe that Wellesley College was so reactionary in autumn 1953 as in the movie Mona Lisa Smile. The film shows us this prestigious college where he taught among others how to be a good wife, how to behave, how to set
the table, and be beautiful for the occasion, did not give importance to the subjects to have professional future, because the only aspiration a woman is to be the best mother and wife. The arrival of the lecturer Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts) changes everything inspiring students to learn about other values including to have freedom through art history. Look through the slides and identify the masterpieces of modern art painting is as wake them up for example K. Watson leads them to observe a painting by Jackson Pollock who was put in a package, there is shown the manner in which the teacher want to open the eyes of her students to modernity leaving behind the ancient and conservative. Since then the university board of management is always on the lookout for Katherine Watson from its thoughts more conservatives is scared that Miss watson endangers the institution which labeling her as subversive. Between the students there is one who resists change and it is led by Betty (Kristen Dunst), whose mother is on the board of trustees whose plans are to marry her daughter with a good husband who has studied at Harvard and having many children. Betty is a person through the university newspaper tries to hurt the teachers do not follow the conservative line center, for example, she wrote that Katherine Watson was a person with communist ideals and promiscuity, this student was a perverse person who taking advantage of the power that her family had in college to publish in the newspaper a criticism about college nurse who gave advice contraconceptives and then she was fired from her job immediately.
This movie is not the story of the typical teacher who enlightens and guides her students then overcome all adversities of the plot, but it's a film that prompts you to reflect and care more than we expect. I Sometimes imagine feeling like a free spirit in a closed system making me question who I empathize more if with the thirties lecturer or her with twenties students. Katherine Watson is brave, intelligent she reminds me when the president of the institution to which told Katherine which was the priority of the students and Watson told her, that she thought she was going to a place where she instructed leaders of tomorrow nor their wives .Julia Roberts is mostly an actress I feel I have a lot of empathy and desire to protect it. In the Mona Lisa smile, she is the conduit to the argument, which flows through her character. The Best supporting roles are played by actresses Julia new generation after, as Dunst and Maggie Gyllenhaal also where the interpretation is masterful. In typical movie where the heroes are teachers. The main character thinks the answer lies in the exuberance, freedom and let time pass while in this movie Katherine despairs when he sees her students lose their talent without setting their sights on a better future.
The film directed by Mike Newell, it may be quite aware of their sexual politics and it might even have been more compelling if Katherine and her students had fought together to escape the bondage genre, but the characters are not involved, or sympathizes with their dreams and desperate vision into the path of marriage and at the end we were relieved to hear Miss Watson and that makes us become the wonderful people we are today.
sources: image from google chrome
Esta película no es la historia de la típica profesora que ilumina y guía a sus alumnas con el fin de vencer todas adversidades de la trama, sino que es una película que te incita a la reflexión y a la atención más de lo que nosotros nos esperamos. A veces me imagino sintiéndome como un espíritu libre en un sistema cerrado haciéndome la pregunta con quien me identifico más si con las profesora treintañera o con sus alumnas veinteañeras. Katherine Watson es valiente, inteligente, fiel a sus ideales e incluso ella me recuerda a mi misma cuando la presidenta de la institución le comenta a Katherine Watson cual era la prioridad de las alumnas y Watson le contesta diciéndole que ella pensaba que iba a un lugar donde instruiría a lideres del mañana no a sus esposas . Julia Roberts es sobre todo una actriz con la que siento mucha empatia y tengo ganas de protegerla. En de la sonrisa de Mona Lisa, ella es el conducto hacia el argumento , que fluye a través de su personaje. Los mejores papeles secundarios son interpretados por actrices de nueva generación posterior a Julia, entre ellas Kristen Dunst, Maggie Gyllenhaal donde también la interpretación es magistral. En las típicas películas donde los héroes son profesores. El protagonista piensa que la respuesta está en la exuberancia, la libertad y deja el tiempo pasar, mientras que en esta película Katherine se desespera cuando ve que sus alumnas pierden su talento y sin fijar su mirada en un futuro mejor.
La película dirigida por Mike Newel, puede que sea bastante consciente de sus políticas sexuales y podría incluso haber sido más absorbente si Katherine y sus alumnas hubieran luchado juntas para escapar de esa esclavitud de genero, pero los personajes no se involucran, ni se solidariza con sus sueños y la desesperada visión hacia el camino del matrimonio y al final nos sentimos aliviados al escuchar a la señorita Watson y eso hace que nos convirtamos en las personas maravillosas que somos hoy.
fuentes: imagen de google chrome
I find it difficult to believe that Wellesley College was so reactionary in autumn 1953 as in the movie Mona Lisa Smile. The film shows us this prestigious college where he taught among others how to be a good wife, how to behave, how to set
the table, and be beautiful for the occasion, did not give importance to the subjects to have professional future, because the only aspiration a woman is to be the best mother and wife. The arrival of the lecturer Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts) changes everything inspiring students to learn about other values including to have freedom through art history. Look through the slides and identify the masterpieces of modern art painting is as wake them up for example K. Watson leads them to observe a painting by Jackson Pollock who was put in a package, there is shown the manner in which the teacher want to open the eyes of her students to modernity leaving behind the ancient and conservative. Since then the university board of management is always on the lookout for Katherine Watson from its thoughts more conservatives is scared that Miss watson endangers the institution which labeling her as subversive. Between the students there is one who resists change and it is led by Betty (Kristen Dunst), whose mother is on the board of trustees whose plans are to marry her daughter with a good husband who has studied at Harvard and having many children. Betty is a person through the university newspaper tries to hurt the teachers do not follow the conservative line center, for example, she wrote that Katherine Watson was a person with communist ideals and promiscuity, this student was a perverse person who taking advantage of the power that her family had in college to publish in the newspaper a criticism about college nurse who gave advice contraconceptives and then she was fired from her job immediately.
This movie is not the story of the typical teacher who enlightens and guides her students then overcome all adversities of the plot, but it's a film that prompts you to reflect and care more than we expect. I Sometimes imagine feeling like a free spirit in a closed system making me question who I empathize more if with the thirties lecturer or her with twenties students. Katherine Watson is brave, intelligent she reminds me when the president of the institution to which told Katherine which was the priority of the students and Watson told her, that she thought she was going to a place where she instructed leaders of tomorrow nor their wives .Julia Roberts is mostly an actress I feel I have a lot of empathy and desire to protect it. In the Mona Lisa smile, she is the conduit to the argument, which flows through her character. The Best supporting roles are played by actresses Julia new generation after, as Dunst and Maggie Gyllenhaal also where the interpretation is masterful. In typical movie where the heroes are teachers. The main character thinks the answer lies in the exuberance, freedom and let time pass while in this movie Katherine despairs when he sees her students lose their talent without setting their sights on a better future.
The film directed by Mike Newell, it may be quite aware of their sexual politics and it might even have been more compelling if Katherine and her students had fought together to escape the bondage genre, but the characters are not involved, or sympathizes with their dreams and desperate vision into the path of marriage and at the end we were relieved to hear Miss Watson and that makes us become the wonderful people we are today.
sources: image from google chrome
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